Introducing Christa Calamity

Hello, I'm Christa; I am very excited to be sharing my daily (sometimes weekly) journal entries with you.

I had recently moved here with my boyfriend E, got a new, interesting job at Harry's as a junior advertising executive and plus, I've just bought this new, amazing pair of stilettos that goes with everything!!

New job, new city, I am literally ready to take over the world!

Let's get started!

Lots of xxx,

The Cat Lady

I am still settling in and trying to get myself accustomed to the new neighbourhood since moving here a month ago.

Our neighbour, the lady who lives with her cats is nice but she strikes me as being eccentric. She told E a few days ago that she has a total of 7 cats but 2 of them are missing, therefore she reminded us not to be alarmed if we find them loitering in our backyard. Apparently she is "worried sick" about Blackie and Lulu* and we should keep a lookout for them.
*Maybe it was Lucy, I was trying very hard at a crossword puzzle when E was talking about this

Last night as I was taking out the trash, I saw a fat, black cat staring at me from about 5 feet away. Its green eyes seem to pierce through my soul so I ran back into the house. Besides, black cats are bad luck anyway.

In the evenings when I get home from work she will be watering the plants and weeding the lawn while talking to her cats; which run free all over her house (and yard). She often complains to me about her son who doesn't visit her anymore. I was afraid to ask any questions about her "son" just in case she is one of those lonely old women who make up imaginary children.

Honestly, diary, she scares me a little bit sometimes and I am putting off inviting her over to dinner at our place like E suggested. And she smells like cat food - I hope she isn't sharing her cat's food.

Our neighbour, the Cat Lady reminds me of my mom, although they bear no physical resemblance. Maybe it's only because I am starting to miss home.

Mom is still upset that I took her set of china without asking. I had argued that she has never even taken them out of the box and therefore will not even know that they have gone missing if it wasn't for her peeking into our car trunk before we left. She is very adamant about "having no good china" left for special occasions.

But diary, in all my years living with my parents, my mother never uses the "good china". Sometimes I wish I had printed "For Display Only" labels and stuck them to some of her kitchenware. Mom is a stubborn woman and is still refusing to call although she knows I am right.

I hope my parents are well and that they do not fall sick over missing me; their only daughter too much.


Sarah said...

So she found her cat yet?

Jill Leá B. N. said...

Well, no. Christa did not care enough to bring Blackie back to the old woman because she is worried about her own bad luck

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