Introducing Christa Calamity

Hello, I'm Christa; I am very excited to be sharing my daily (sometimes weekly) journal entries with you.

I had recently moved here with my boyfriend E, got a new, interesting job at Harry's as a junior advertising executive and plus, I've just bought this new, amazing pair of stilettos that goes with everything!!

New job, new city, I am literally ready to take over the world!

Let's get started!

Lots of xxx,

Almost Christmas

Today is the eve of Christmas Eve.

This is also the first year I am hosting a Christmas eve dinner all by myself with Pinky's help. Pinky's name is Jane, but diary, I am sure everyone will agree that it is a rather dull name for a girl as pretty as her. I like "Pinky" better.

My co-workers have all
made dinner plans with their own families. Spike is on vacation (with a bunch of guys) and will not be back till the new year. I am secretly laughing at him for choosing such a time to relax on a "tropical paradise" as he puts it. Because diary, as we all know, the "travelling package" in December comes with long queues, large crowds and unnecessary stress. And diary, these are the things that one has to experience and to learn by himself. He will know better when he comes back.

Pinky, on the other hand was recently dumped by her no-good/slacker/loser boyfriend and has not had a good hair day ever since. Honestly! Yesterday, I caught a whiff of her hair and it smelled like she had not washed it in days. The odour is overbearing and I stayed away from her cube all day. She is clearly not in good terms with her parents as she had not mentioned them once the entire time I have known her.

So I invited her to join us for dinner tomorrow night. I have also asked her to accompany me while I do some last minute food shopping. Turns out she knows how to cook and is very familiar with the aisles in the supermarket. As I was struggling to find where everything was, I very obligingly gave her my shopping list when she offered to help me find everything.

She seemed capable enough, so I left her to it and snuck into a Body Shop. They always have the most amazing Christmas gift baskets at a bargain. Since I've already done my gift shopping for E and my parents, I bought a bottle of Seaweed & Jojoba blend shampoo (at 50% off!) for Pinky.

Before Pinky left, I gave her the shampoo saying she deserved her Christmas gift earlier for helping me with all the shopping today. When she saw what it was, she grew very still and kept her head down. I think I saw tears in her eyes.

I knew she would love it. I am amazing at buying gifts for people. I have always known that.


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