Introducing Christa Calamity

Hello, I'm Christa; I am very excited to be sharing my daily (sometimes weekly) journal entries with you.

I had recently moved here with my boyfriend E, got a new, interesting job at Harry's as a junior advertising executive and plus, I've just bought this new, amazing pair of stilettos that goes with everything!!

New job, new city, I am literally ready to take over the world!

Let's get started!

Lots of xxx,

It Began at Harry's

First dat @ new job!

It was 7.20am when I woke up this morning. I've overslept by 20 minutes. I sat bolted upright in bed considering which morning routine I'd have to forego. I hate hurried showers in the morning.

My usual 45-minute shower was shortened to 30 minutes.

I finally managed to find something suitable to wear for my first day at work. I had worn the new red top with the little buttons I bought last week. It must be my lucky day! I have completely forgotten about this gorgeous little number since chucking it aside.
Note: Must not try to hide shopping bags from E by throwing them on top of wardrobe. Try other, more visible hiding spots. Behind bathroom kitchen door?

I managed to fix my make-up, twist my hair into quite a nice stylish bun within 10 minutes. Will tell E tonight during dinner. I was right after all, I COULD be ready in 15 minutes if I put my heart into it.
Another Note to Self: Must get a regular, household size hair-dryer. Current, tiny economical-size one takes too long to dry hair. Plus there's always a burning smell...!

Several thoughts occured to me during the drive to work this morning;
1) Will my co-workers be fun to hang out with?
2) Did I forget to use the concealer? (I was pretty sure I have forgotten, and almost worked myself into a state of panic - it was my FIRST day at work! But as it turned out; diary, I haven't forgotten. Silly me!)

I finally reached
Harry's Properties; my new place of employment and is one of the largest real estate firms in the area. Oh, I had another idea on my drive here.

3) Will see if any of my new co-workers live nearby my place, we could carpool and then I could definitely save a lot on gas. Besides, I'm pretty sure the guys would offer to drive most of the time. Brilliant!

My best friend D had driven me around the block to survey the area after coffee last night. I had wanted to make sure I could find a decent parking spot when I got to work this morning. D tells me quite frequently that I have incredible hindsight. I'm pretty sure he means foresight. Sometimes I think D is not very bright. So I couldn't find it in my heart to correct him.

I had to walk approximately 500 meters to reach the office. My feet hurt when I got there. Turns out the parking lot furthest from the office building charges the cheapest rate for the day. These things add up. So I had no choice.

Mr C-H is my manager and he seems nice. After a brief welcome, he introduced me to the rest of the staff in my department. I did not manage to memorize all their names yet but I think I'd be working with Fringe (girl with long, untidy bangs), Big-S (girl who adds "S" in all her sentences, i.e the others peoples are coming), Pinky (girl who wore the cute little pink shirt) and Spike (guy with the spiky hairdo)

When it was almost lunch time, Big-S came over and said to me, "Christa, I thinks you forgots to remove the price tag which says 70% off from your shirt"

I immediately disliked Big-S.


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